The Father’s Inseparable Love

Posted March 1, 2022

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:38, NLT Desiring Approval Upon stumbling through

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The Next Move

Posted September 28, 2021

We left Pennsylvania out of necessity. I don’t remember shedding a tear, complaining, or even wondering about my dad who would remain. I was ten and scared. Our world had finally erupted and our lives were left in shambles. When an eruption occurs, all you can do is pick up

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Categories: Featured, Sister Post, Theresa
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About The Author

Theresa Miller

Theresa is a wife, mother of four, and homeschool parent. Weaving words together has been the expressive outlet she has enjoyed from a young age, bringing clarity to life’s complexities. Theresa authored Heavenly Glimpses blog from 2009-2014, where she captured glimpses of the extraordinary in the ordinary everyday life of motherhood. She has been published on InCourage, Sally Clarkson’s Mom Heart blog, MOPS ezine, and others. Theresa currently writes devotions and encouragement for women on social media. You can find her on IG @heavenlyglimpses and on her FB page, Theresa M. Miller, Writer.

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