Staying Grounded in What God Thinks: Tips for Living in Alignment with His Truth

Posted July 23, 2024

In a world where opinions fly left and right, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise. We can find ourselves swayed by the trends, influenced by others’ thoughts, or even doubting our own beliefs. But let me remind you, sisters, that the only opinion that truly matters is

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Categories: Maureen, Sister Post
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Advent: Slowly Tending Our Hearts

Posted December 4, 2023

As a young mom, I had strong ideals. I yearned to figure out all the answers. I admired moms who resembled perfection and I longed to emulate them. High standards seemed virtuous. Yet, high standards often back-fired as I lost sight of my purpose. What my heart really longed for

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post
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