Staying Grounded in What God Thinks: Tips for Living in Alignment with His Truth

Posted July 23, 2024

In a world where opinions fly left and right, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise. We can find ourselves swayed by the trends, influenced by others’ thoughts, or even doubting our own beliefs. But let me remind you, sisters, that the only opinion that truly matters is

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Categories: Maureen, Sister Post
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Please Forgive Me

Posted April 26, 2022

Three difficult words…please forgive me. Whether you are asking for forgiveness or the one working to forgive, even forgiving yourself. None of it feels easy. Childhood I recall as a child lining up with three of my sisters so our parents could solve mysteries, such as who lied, who stole

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The Armor of Love

Posted February 22, 2022

Married for thirty years I can tell you marriage in seasons can feel like a battlefield. The difference in the marriage battle is you are battling to overcome the challenge together, not taking one another out. Well…sometimes it may seem like the battle feels against one another versus a greater

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Finding the Gift

Posted November 30, 2021

 At times we may feel hope is lost; yet, when we have Jesus in our hearts, we are assured He is with us all of the time. In our sorrow, heartache, brokenness, fear, and doubt, He is the hope within us. Miracles are everywhere when we look for them. It

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Categories: Featured, Maureen, Sister Post

That Wasn’t My Intention: Choosing Intentional Communication

Posted October 26, 2021

Misperceptions  Do you find yourself in situations with family, friends, or in the workplace where you think, “that was not my intention”? What does it mean to be intentional? Often when feelings are hurt based on how information was conveyed or received, misperception is at its core. Misperception becomes assumptions

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Categories: Featured, Maureen, Sister Post
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