Making Room

Posted October 29, 2024 by Jeannette Wilcock
Categories: Featured, Jeannette, Sister Post
I grumbled under my breath as I headed to the chicken coop, hauling feed, water, kitchen scraps, and treats. As I gathered eggs from the farthest corner of the coop with a long stick, I heard in my head, “Why do you keep holding onto what I gave you only for a time?” You see, these chickens were for my daughter’s 4-H projects. She grew out of them many years ago, and they turned into a “me” project. It was good exercise, and I sure enjoyed the fresh eggs, so I kept taking care of them and ignored my resentment. But I would rather have been doing many other things.
As I finished up and headed back to the house, I wondered, “What is God asking of me?” I felt restless in my spirit, like something had to shift. This feeling often comes to me in resentment, procrastination, and monotony. I keep doing certain things I’ve always done and feel frustrated and stuck. I tell myself that it’s not that big of a deal. I need to take some action, but what exactly?
I tend to resist what God asks of me, and it begins with holding onto things that are not working. It boils down to fear of not being in control of my life. If I let go of my grip, I may fall deep into the abyss of loneliness, shame, discomfort, and rejection from the very ones who I believe love me most. Will anyone catch me?
But wait, what is the truth? These feelings are real, and we live with them, but they must be put into perspective with what God says. He gently nudges me and says, “My love, I’m here. I am with you. Don’t be afraid. I go before you. I will never leave you or forsake you.” He reminds me of this truth written in the Holy Scriptures. God has proven time and time again that He is with me even during uncertainty or suffering.
He has never left me, so why am I afraid? I remember His faithfulness and love towards me when I think I’ve got things under control and knit together nicely, but when life starts to unravel, I get caught in the tangles of fear and worry. The lie that says, “You do not need to let go or change anything. It’s no big deal. Keep things the same. It’s safer that way,” threatens to bind me up and keep me bound. But you see, friend, it’s that lie that keeps us from doing exactly what God wants us to do and being who God is calling us to be.
“Oh, you weary soul, do you not trust Me? Have I ever let you fall, even in your worst moments of suffering? It’s then that I’ve been the closest to you. I can’t leave you stranded. It’s not who I am. Let go, be free, pray, and don’t worry. I am here!”
Holding on to what seems okay—maybe even good—but not what God wants for us right now makes us unhappy. We resist, procrastinate, become resentful, and feel frustrated because we won’t trust that God will see us through. We may not know it, but these feelings can be God prompting a change in our hearts and lives. Do I think that God who made me and loves me will call me to something he will not equip me for and support me through?
I hear Him say, “Oh, you weary soul, do you not trust Me? Have I ever let you fall, even in your worst moments of suffering? It’s then that I’ve been the closest to you. I can’t leave you stranded. It’s not who I am. Let go, be free, pray, and don’t worry. I am here!”
I have sensed God calling me to use the gifts He has given me to build up His kingdom, hence why I’m writing this blog right now. I love to write and sing my songs, and that takes time. God is prompting me to let go of what is not necessarily bad but is not what He wants for me right now. I hold on for fear that letting go of the familiar and comfortable might require me to journey into something unfamiliar and uncomfortable. God doesn’t call me to comfort and complacency. He calls me to be ready to say yes to whatever He asks of me at any given moment.
I have to make room by letting go of the things that cause me to feel resentment, whether that be unforgiveness that takes up space in my heart or spending time doing what does not bring me joy, because I know deep inside God is calling me to something more. He’s calling me higher to live the abundant life He has for me, using the gifts He has given specifically to me.
We have all we need in order to do what God asks, but we first must make room by clearing out what fills up the spaces in our hearts so God can fill us to do His work. We have been created for a specific purpose and each of us has a mission. We are on this journey to be refined by God, to live for His glory, doing and being who He has called us to be. We are the hands and feet of Christ. He has called us to be witnesses to His goodness and love.
So if you’re feeling restless in your spirit, receiving gentle promptings, or experiencing resentment and frustration, then maybe God is calling you to make a change. It may be a small, seemingly insignificant change or a big life change. It might be bearing down into your family life and being present like never before, or it may be homesteading and raising those chickens. It may be starting that project you feel you’re not good enough to do, or making that phone call you need to make. You’ll know what it is as you seek God and listen to promptings in your spirit.
When we finally say yes to God, we can watch the miracles unfold as He prepares the way for us. Everything matters in this life. Nothing is insignificant, so do everything with love and intention. God is preparing you for the abundant life He wants you to live! Now all we need to do is listen to Him and make room.
This essay was perfect for my day today and for my current situation. I received comfort and wisdom from this essay. I am reminded today that others struggle, too. Sometimes I need to let go and quit striving to be all and do all. I need to let go and let God do His work. Thank you!
This was exactly what I needed to hear today! I am currently in a role at work that gives me no pleasure and I feel like God wants me to do more however this reminded me that I need to realize that being restless is also a good thing and that God will lead me to what I need to do next!