Cultivating Intention: A Sister Weekend

Posted October 14, 2021 by Theresa Miller
Categories: Featured, Sister Post
“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.” John C. Maxwell
What is a Sister Weekend?
A sister weekend is an intentional time with your sisters (whether biological or close friendships) that cultivates a refreshed, better version of yourself by the end of your time together.
We started sister weekend years ago as a way to be intentional about our sister relationships. With our own families growing, it became more and more challenging to celebrate a birthday or have quality time together. So a couple of sisters planned a dinner out and decided on a gift theme, then invited the other four sisters with instructions for the gift. This time together was so special to us, we made it our tradition to celebrate each other’s birthday with a gift and dinner each year.
This was the start of our sister weekend. It started simply as an intentional evening together. Over the last ten or twelve years it’s become an overnight and eventually two overnights. We’ve kept it local to maximize on the time we have together, with so many wonderful local options.
We’ve stayed in cabins at the base of our mountain. We’ve stayed in condos at our local golf club, receiving their off-season rate. We’ve stayed in a couple of different historic inns—all within thirty minutes of our homes (with the exception of Sarah, who lives two hours from the rest of us).
For us, this sister time is always life giving, bringing clarity and gratitude to the life we have been given and commissioned to live out. It’s a celebration of each other’s lives, growth, and our sisterhood!
During this time…
We lay down pretenses.
We get real.
We get vulnerable.
We have fun.
We share in each others humanity and believe hard in the purpose that brings each one alive.
We laugh till we cry and sometimes we just cry. How beautiful it is when those tears flow from acceptance and sheer gratitude.
Below is each sister’s take away from our sister time this past weekend:

“It was a WONDERFUL weekend! I REALLY enjoyed the Q&A.”
“I love the intentional sharing time that had a purpose to grow and help one another grow. I loved our time eating out and our play time.“I came away recognizing a chapter closed in my life— a sort of healing, if you will. It was a final letting go of what was never to fully be and being grateful for what is. I was reminded that all good things happen in God’s timing when we seek him. Ultimately, I was refreshed and reminded of who I am.”

“I am reminded that although age brings wisdom, we still have much time to dream up new possibilities, have more fun, and that it is okay to lean into the season we are in now without letting go of goals for later. All will come together in the time it should. All we need to do is keep believing bigger, yet take one step forward at a time.
“I’m reminded to find the good even in the struggle.
“I’m reminded to protect our sister time even if that means more intentional planning ahead of time.
“I’m reminded of how much I have in common with my sisters and loved gleaning wisdom and insight from each of them.
“Finally, NOW is the time to learn more about the way our bodies are changing and plan better good health—mind, body, and soul!”
“It’s a beautiful thing to know you are not alone. This past weekend I was reminded that we were never intended to do the ins and outs of life on our own. There are many things I let go by the wayside because it’s one more thing to think about. Yet, with my sisters, I’m inspired by their actions and how they are tackling issues like health, parenting, and goals.“Most importantly, I’m reminded that we need each other. We need the pause. We need the reflection. We need the tears. And we need the laughter that heals tired souls.
“I came home loving my husband more, blessing my children, and ready to take the next step in the beautiful, messy, and challenging trenches of life.
“Why is this weekend so important? We simply walk away better versions of ourselves.”

“I’m inspired by everyone of my sisters in different ways. The most important part for me was sitting and truly listening to everyone’s story and struggle in depth. These are stories we know, but not in the heart-way that happens at sister weekend because normally, we’re all so busy. It completely blesses my heart to listen. It’s beautiful!“I’m reminded that I need my sisters even when I don’t know it.
“I’m reminded to show up.
“I’m reminded that wisdom follows blessing in parenting (endless reminder).
“I’m reminded to have fun.
“I’m reminded time is short, so schedule it!”
“Sometimes you have to make sister time a priority. I’m so grateful we take the time to do so. The fun, laughter, tears, challenges, and total craziness—that’s what it’s all about! It is the most exciting weekend I look forward to every year!”

What a Sister Weekend is Not
A sister weekend is not a time for gossip. Our words are intended to build up and bring life.
A sister weekend is not a time to bash our husbands or children. If anything, we leave appreciating our families more.
A sister weekend is not a time to escape hard things. We bring it, talk about the struggles, and encourage one another with words of wisdom.
A sister weekend is not one big party. It is well planned with intentional items on our agenda to promote authenticity, health, and life-giving fun.
A sister weekend is not just for biological sisters. You can experience this life-giving time with any sisters—close friends, sister-in-laws, step sisters, half sisters, adopted sisters, or biological sisters.
Are You Interested in Your Own Sister Weekend?
Are you wondering what a sister weekend is all about? Well, we are thrilled to share we are pulling together an essentials and value guide for our readers so you and your sisters can experience your own life giving sister weekend together!
Life is short. Let’s be intentional about what matters!
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