Posted April 19, 2022
Unfulfilled Desires What More Could I Do? I had prayed tirelessly, followed all of the advice, waited and waited, and… nothing. What was I missing? I wanted to be a mother so badly. I had exhausted all I knew to do for this breakthrough to happen in my life. One
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Posted March 1, 2022
“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:38, NLT Desiring Approval Upon stumbling through
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Posted February 22, 2022
Married for thirty years I can tell you marriage in seasons can feel like a battlefield. The difference in the marriage battle is you are battling to overcome the challenge together, not taking one another out. Well…sometimes it may seem like the battle feels against one another versus a greater
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Posted February 14, 2022
He kept joking around with me saying, ”We should go on a date!” Then he would chuckle as if he knew I would turn him down one more time. The Pursuit My husband Steve and I were in high school when we first met working at a local restaurant together.
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Posted February 1, 2022
Are you uncomfortable with the uncertainty of what lies ahead? Proverbs 3:6 assures us that when we seek God, He will direct our steps. Often those words are easier to trust when on a wide, smooth, and comfortable path. Yet do we fully embrace them when the path feels uncertain?
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Posted January 25, 2022
Do you ever feel discouraged when the work toward a goal or that dream feels small? New Beginnings Often Start Small On that cool October afternoon our mom first drove my five sisters and me into Sheridan, Wyoming, it was with little money or resources. After a short time, it
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Posted January 18, 2022
“May you grow still enough to hear the stir of a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation” -David Steindl-Rast I live in Wyoming, where we typically have snow on and off for many months. I usually bemoan the cold and winter,
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Posted January 11, 2022
Happy New Year! Often embracing something new means letting go of something old. Sometimes we want this change and sometimes we do not. This time of year we tend to want to clean out the old to embrace the new, but then there are times when we like everything to
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Posted December 14, 2021
Confucius once stated, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” I remember catching glimpses of beauty and goodness as a child, yet I knew those gifts could not be for me; they were fleeting like a vanishing sunset. I recall grieving over moments where life (God) touched me, but
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Posted December 7, 2021
I rummage through the Christmas bins in the storage room and pull out the “my gift to Jesus,” gift-wrapped box. My mind wanders toward the little six-year-old girl writing what she is grateful for onto a slip of paper, then slipping it into the slit at the top of the
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