Why I’m Okay

Posted August 23, 2021

I’m okay. After my son’s wedding a couple of weeks ago, I wondered, “Why am I okay?” Why was I not grieving more or feeling let down, which has been my history?  As a nine-year-old, I’d race down the dirt road chasing my mom’s car, afraid to be left in

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post

The Gift in Letting Go

Posted August 17, 2021

Peering out the living room window, tears streamed down my cheeks as I cradled close to me my newborn infant. Although I couldn’t put my finger on where the emotion was coming from, the Canon in D playing in the background was likely a trigger.  “Why are you crying, mommy,”

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Categories: Featured, Maureen, Sister Post


Posted July 27, 2021

Forgetting to Breathe Out of all the nicknames I’ve had in my life, Peanut fit me best. I earned that name as a ten-year-old running track because I was small, fast, fiery, and competitive. I could outrun everyone. This was my secret power. The 100 meter dash was my favorite.

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post
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Reshaping My World

Posted July 8, 2021

“JEANNETTE!” My sister screamed as she held up our shared Barbie dolls and shook them in my face. “Why did you cut off all their hair?”  “I think they look beautiful!” I retorted. The long, silky blonde locks were now a precise, chin-length bob and I was the master of my

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Categories: Jeannette, Popular Posts, Sister Post