Be still and Breathe!
Posted March 1, 2023

Be still and know that I am God.
... continue reading.Posted March 1, 2023
Be still and know that I am God.
... continue reading.Posted February 7, 2023
I have a word in wooden block letters on my dining room wall. It speaks to my heart in many different ways, but it always speaks loudly of God’s great and beautiful love for me. The word is “Grace”. Allow me to go back to the beginning of each life.
... continue reading.Posted January 3, 2023
Have you ever felt defeat to the point it seemed pointless to try again? I remember the ups and downs of my ambitions, endless roller-coaster rides, and the trying and failing of embarking on a new journey. Eventually, I’d throw my hands in the air, “What’s the point? I’m not
... continue reading.Posted June 21, 2022
I stopped by the river yesterday in the chill of early morning and found a dry bench under a tree by the brisk rapids. The current rushed by me with such speed and power always in forward motion. Spring is a season of growth, power, and change. I ponder whether
... continue reading.Posted June 13, 2022
5 reasons to set your hope on grace
... continue reading.Posted May 31, 2022
The news blasts daily about high gas prices. When our gas runs low, we have no choice but to pay whatever the price and fill the tank. More recently, the heartache of two mass shootings has put gas prices in the rearview and reminds us of the evil and brokenness
... continue reading.Posted May 24, 2022
Clouds sweep softly across the brilliant blue sky as if they were brush-stroked that morning. The sun shines high in the sky, giving the fresh new green grass a golden glow as the branches on the trees seem to stretch toward the rays and the buds swell ready to burst
... continue reading.Posted May 10, 2022
“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” Hans Urs Von Balthasar Standing on the beach, sea breeze in my face, arms outstretched, I take it all in. The possibilities are endless. At this moment I realize I have a second chance.
... continue reading.Posted May 3, 2022
It’s 2008. Facebook is still a novelty and cell phones are not yet the hand held digital computers they are today. I sit in front of my desk computer and scan words from the feed of my new Facebook account, reading how proud my father is of his young adult
... continue reading.Posted April 26, 2022
Three difficult words…please forgive me. Whether you are asking for forgiveness or the one working to forgive, even forgiving yourself. None of it feels easy. Childhood I recall as a child lining up with three of my sisters so our parents could solve mysteries, such as who lied, who stole
... continue reading.