Why I’m Okay

Posted August 23, 2021

I’m okay. After my son’s wedding a couple of weeks ago, I wondered, “Why am I okay?” Why was I not grieving more or feeling let down, which has been my history?  As a nine-year-old, I’d race down the dirt road chasing my mom’s car, afraid to be left in

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post

The Gift in Letting Go

Posted August 17, 2021

Peering out the living room window, tears streamed down my cheeks as I cradled close to me my newborn infant. Although I couldn’t put my finger on where the emotion was coming from, the Canon in D playing in the background was likely a trigger.  “Why are you crying, mommy,”

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Categories: Featured, Maureen, Sister Post


Posted July 27, 2021

Forgetting to Breathe Out of all the nicknames I’ve had in my life, Peanut fit me best. I earned that name as a ten-year-old running track because I was small, fast, fiery, and competitive. I could outrun everyone. This was my secret power. The 100 meter dash was my favorite.

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post
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