Beauty in Change

Posted October 5, 2021

Impossible Blessings I was seven, close to eight years old when we departed New York. All I understood was change was taking place and we were moving somewhere far away. Although crammed in the back seat of our small car, elbowing and bickering with two of my sisters, my young

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post
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Why I’m Okay

Posted August 23, 2021

I’m okay. After my son’s wedding a couple of weeks ago, I wondered, “Why am I okay?” Why was I not grieving more or feeling let down, which has been my history?  As a nine-year-old, I’d race down the dirt road chasing my mom’s car, afraid to be left in

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post


Posted July 27, 2021

Forgetting to Breathe Out of all the nicknames I’ve had in my life, Peanut fit me best. I earned that name as a ten-year-old running track because I was small, fast, fiery, and competitive. I could outrun everyone. This was my secret power. The 100 meter dash was my favorite.

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Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post
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About The Author

Sarah Green

Sarah Green resides in Casper, Wyoming alongside her husband and six children. As a homeschool mom, early mornings are a lifeline for her. Sarah is passionate about encouraging moms to invest in themselves while keeping the role of motherhood a priority. Running multiple marathons has taught her how to break down mountains into small, manageable steps. Her two mottos over the years have been, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,” and “Just do it.” In her free time, you can find Sarah walking, skiing, spending time at the family cabin, or enjoying her co-owned book and...

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