God’s Faithfulness Through Change

Posted September 8, 2021 by Theresa Miller

Categories: Featured, Sister Post

 At times in my life, I have craved change. 

 As a young girl life was always changing and I grew to expect change. When I would be in the same place doing the same thing for too long, that antsy place inside of me said I needed to change things up in my life. As I’ve grown, however, I’ve learned that change is inevitable but I don’t need to create it. With my own children growing, I’ve learned to be content in the wait and simply open to change as it comes. Change can be refreshing, and open new windows of opportunity when we allow it.

Change can be refreshing, and open new windows of opportunity when we allow it.

Jeannette Wilcock



Change of any kind requires courage.

Many times when I know a change must be made, I stay in a level of denial, comfort, or procrastination. The reality is, change is hard physically, mentally, and emotionally, and sometimes it hurts. Yet staying comfortable won’t make us change. Change happens when we no longer tolerate the status quo or situation. We often need drastic situations to push us toward a needed change. 

We aren’t creatures of change, but creatures of habit. Are your habits creating healthy change in your life? What obstacles do you need to overcome to create a needed change? One step forward, deep breath, you can do this…because we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 

Although change doesn’t always initially feel good, when I look back and see how far I have come, it strengthens my resolve that I can overcome hard things.

Today, whatever change needs to happen in your life is, we pray you hang onto hope and find the courage to take the next step.

Are your habits creating healthy change in your life?

Maureen Metcalf


We don’t always choose change, but can reap the rewards of it.

Although I had felt alone in ways as a child, I knew I wasn’t. My sisters and I imagined together, weathered similar storms, and journeyed the same distance from east to west after our parent’s divorce.

Although I didn’t fully understand my family’s crumbling circumstances, Jesus anchored my childhood faith.

Although my mom courageously moved my five sisters and me 2000 miles away from anything familiar, singing together the familiar songs that soothed our souls and brought hope to a broken world gave us a sense of purpose.

When I look back at how we came through hard, yet necessary change, those three aspects stand out:

We come through change best when 1) we know we’re not alone, 2) we keep Jesus as our anchor, and 3) we find purpose in the familiar pieces that remain. Overtime, we learn to appreciate the beauty in new things.

Change is inevitable. Sometimes we choose it, sometimes we don’t.  Either way, we can be sure that with Christ as our anchor, reward awaits the other side of risk.

With Christ as our anchor, reward awaits the other side of risk.

Theresa Miller


Change has felt crippling in my life, but there is beauty on the other side.

Change is never easy. Yet, I’ve learned I must push through the struggle no matter how hard, to see the beauty on the other side. There is always beauty to be found on the other side of change. It may feel hard, but we can be assured that God’s dreams for us are bigger than our own dreams.

There is always beauty on the other side of change.

Sarah Green
