How to Conquer Overwhelming Feelings with Small Steps

Posted June 5, 2023 by Sarah Green

Categories: Featured, Sarah, Sister Post

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is breaking your overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

Mark Twain

I am overwhelmed as I consider the challenge I am invited into. I’ve always longed to run a marathon but it’s easier to keep the dream at bay. My friend knows I am capable. He tells me so. Yet, this is real and it’s a big deal. I don’t know this group of runners well, and I can think of a million reasons to avoid training alongside them. 

My 25-year-old self in this scenario needed a mindset shift. 

Overwhelming feelings wear many faces. It might be over the idea of running a marathon, starting a business, cleaning out a closet, or anything that we just can’t begin because we view it with eyes of enormity, and walk away. 

Sadly, the effects of feeling overwhelmed can be self-sabotage disguised as normalcy, and is one of Satan’s greatest tools.

Sarah Green

I’ve spent an alarming amount of time suffering from feelings of overwhelm, which has caused procrastination, fear of risk, and dread. Sadly, the effects of feeling overwhelmed can be self-sabotage disguised as normalcy, and is one of Satan’s greatest tools. It is a cheap time stealer that claims and weighs down our lives. 

Overwhelming feelings seem innocent enough. Perhaps we have too much on our plate. But what if we wake up feeling overwhelmed, whether we have a busy day or not? What if our minds speed immediately to a scenario of an overflowing to-do list? What if we never make ground on our to-do list because our thoughts are gushing with the inability to handle it all? What if feeling overwhelmed defaces our dreams because we just can’t start? 

As a young eight-year-old girl, the trauma of my parent’s divorce paralyzed me.  I moved across the country with my mom and sisters and only learned to cope. 

If we only focus on the  end goal, we will struggle to  accomplish what is important to us. 

Sarah Green

A mindset change seems too simple a step forward after a lifetime of feeling stuck. 

Thankfully, I said yes to running my first marathon. What I learned in the process was sweeter than racing through the finish line.

  • I learned that I can accomplish big things with tiny steps. 
  • I learned that I can break the stuck cycle with the tiniest movement forward in every area of my life. 
  • I learned that I can change my legacy this way. 

That’s the way we run marathons. We don’t run 26.2 miles. We run one mile at a time. If we only focus on the  end goal, we will struggle to  accomplish what is important to us. 

Overwhelming feelings that lead to procrastination, fear of risk, and defeat do not have to rule our lives. When feeling overwhelmed, we can, fight back by taking baby steps forward. I love Mark Twain’s quote at the beginning of this post about the secret of getting ahead is getting started. We can do that by breaking overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and start with the first one. It has rearranged my thought process and facilitated my steps forward.

What is your marathon? What dream has God placed on your heart that lingers in the dark like a child hiding in a closet?

It sounds too easy, I know. But baby steps work. It doesn’t matter where you have come from or how stuck you feel. God intends for us to start small and  grow in big ways, even if it takes one baby step at a time.