God’s Perfect Timing

Posted April 23, 2024 by Jeannette Wilcock

Categories: Featured, Jeannette, Sister Post

Do you have a dream or desire that you hope will bloom into reality? Do you wonder when and if you will see this come to pass? Do you trust that God has good in store for you even if everything you deeply desire seems hidden? I remember my barrenness, desperately wanting to be a mother.

As I watched people close to me, year after year, exclaim their joy about conceiving a child or heard stories of unwanted pregnancies, sadness overwhelmed me. Did God see me? Did he hear me? I cried out because the pain was too much at times. God did have something beautiful in mind for me through the gift of adoption, but this seed took particularly long to grow. 

The seed of desire is a recurring theme in our lives. We wait for growth or the outcome of our prayers with seemingly no answer. In this dark, barren space we’re tempted to believe God might be punishing us, that we’re doing something wrong, or that God is teaching us a lesson. It can leave us feeling ashamed, guilty, frustrated, and sad. But God, in his merciful love, shows us that the best things take time. God is working in our wait to bring about the best for each of us.

Just as the winter is barren for a time before new life springs forth, there is always hope. Seasons are a time of longing, preparation, letting go, and allowing for new growth.

Important things take time to cultivate. Just because the seed of hope might be hidden doesn’t mean that it’s not growing deep roots. 

Jeannette Wilcock

God knows the pruning that needs to take place in order for the fulfillment of our desires to come to fruition. He sees the bigger picture and how it will all come to pass, as we trust and cooperate with His perfect will.

When I think about God’s grace and mercy and how extremely generous and patient He is, it brings me to tears. How can He love us so much that He weaves together every detail of our lives?

Sister, important things take time to cultivate. Just because the seed of hope might be hidden doesn’t mean that it’s not growing deep roots. 

Will you trust God even when you cannot see the outcome? Will you trust that He is at work in your time of waiting? He is the one who plants the seeds for the good you desire in your life. Trust Him to work all things together in His perfect timing.