The Gift in Letting Go

Posted August 17, 2021 by Maureen Metcalf

Categories: Featured, Maureen, Sister Post

Peering out the living room window, tears streamed down my cheeks as I cradled close to me my newborn infant. Although I couldn’t put my finger on where the emotion was coming from, the Canon in D playing in the background was likely a trigger. 

“Why are you crying, mommy,” my firstborn daughter inquired, entering the room.. How do I tell a four-year-old that the song her mommy walked down the aisle to on her wedding day had reeled in the realization that her own newborn sister would one day walk down the aisle, as well. 

“Because your sister, Makayla, will one day grow up and be married.” I simply responded. 

“Not before I get married!” she declared.

I knew in these moments that my husband and I would raise our girls the best we knew how, and they would one day start families of their own. This realization, through those tears, began a letting go process. It was the gift in letting go that allowed me excitement for all the possibilities ahead.

It was the gift in letting go that allowed me excitement for all the possibilities ahead.

Maureen Metcalf

Fast forward twenty-five years…

Last week Makayla, my sweet infant, married the love of her life. Her older sister, Ashley and her high school sweetheart celebrated eight years of marriage. Our sweet granddaughter recently turned two, and our third child is nearly sixteen. It has been a joy to see their stories unfold and to witness the beautiful lives they are building.

Our parenting role is different now and that is exciting. Looking back, the most important thing we have done as parents is pray for our children and their future spouses and families. The letting go process has felt much easier bathed in prayer, knowing all we could do beyond prayer is trust and keep the faith. Instead of holding on tighter, working to embrace the change and even the unknowns has promoted freedom to build relationships in the moments. 

The letting go process has felt much easier bathed in prayer.

Maureen Metcalf

If you are struggling to let go right now, my hope for you is to leave it in prayer and trust God to work the circumstances for good. When you are in a tough place and know no other option, simply love unconditionally. If worry or anxiety is standing in the way of a relationship, let it go!

Trust there is purpose in the plan, as well as the journey our children need to take in their own right, as we have. They are authoring their story, not rewriting ours. Remembering that can free us to observe in joy without the need to weigh in or counsel unless asked. 

Parents, if I’ve learned anything, it is to be the light not the burden to our children no matter their age or our opinion or preference, and they will be a gift in return. Let go, and live in the excitement of the possibilities that lie ahead.

Will you declare this prayer with me?

Dear Jesus,

My expectations are high, and I struggle when an outcome isn’t as I had hoped. I know you care about the details even when they feel imperfect. Help me find the gift in the imperfection, knowing the most beautiful gifts are unexpected. Please help me to offer love, grace, and mercy in all circumstances to my adult children. Help guide me in raising those still at home, and release me from perfection, fear, and control. Help me to let go and trust you in all circumstances!
